Reducing clutter is difficult for us and our homes. It seems the clutter piles up and things get out of hand rather quickly. To get organized seems like the biggest of tasks but it is not so hard when people think about all that has to get done in smaller, bite-sized pieces. To get more […]
Author: Greater Columbus Cleaning
How to Clean a Water Cooler
A running office joke is about how much time co-workers spend around the water cooler, talking and chatting. What is not as funny is the fact water dispensers and coolers need to be cleaned and sanitized. Cleaning does not have to be difficult with some easy steps to get started. Try some of these tips […]
How Often Windows Should Be Cleaned
Window cleaning might not be high on the priority list for busy companies but it is one of those things that can quickly get out of hand and embarrassing if left unchecked. Office window cleaning is usually a seasonal chore, done with a change of seasons to get things fresh for spring and ready to […]
Cleaning Tips for Allergies
Allergy sufferers the world over struggle with how to handle them when weather shifts, when they come in contact with animals, dust, or just generally go out in public some days. Depending on how bad it is, they may even struggle in their own home with little dust mites hanging out in corners and on […]
5 Spring Cleaning Tips
Not everybody loves spring cleaning, but there are some great tips to help make it more fun and less work. It’s helpful to organize and get the house back in order. Don’t get too frustrated with cleaning. Partition off little bits of time to get a few things done here and there. Before you know […]
Interesting Cleaning Myths to Know
Anyone who has grandparents or even great-grandparents in their lives may experience some of their ‘old remedies’ that worked well for them. These tips and tricks may have worked well in the past, but they still remain a strange, albeit useful, way to get things clean. Take a moment to learn some of the top […]